Pumpkins for Pigs 2021!
Thanks to All of You who took the time to drop off your pumpkins! We collected well over 1000 pumpkins this year. So many happy pigs!
Red Pine Forest or Parking Lot?
OSEAN wrote to the Mayor and Council to object to the proposal to create a parking lot on 3.88 acres of forested land near the Ottawa airport.
How Can I Help?
How Can I Help? is an occasional blog to give people ideas about ways to help build a sustainable community.
Heat Pump Update – Success!!
This is an update on the previous heat pump blog from last year, and how it has been a success!!
Invasive Species
Here are some invasive species in Ottawa that you may find in your garden. Be on the lookout for these.
Urban biodiversity: Mulching 101
As many of us spend more time watching our yards grow greener, the temptation to mulch can become unbearable for the unsuspecting homeowner.
Pumpkins for Pigs (2020)
This year we are hoping to divert even more pumpkins than last year!
Help us rescue pumpkins from the compost this Halloween!
Comparing Poop Bags
In this blog we compare the compostability of two brands of compostable dog waste bags buried in a typical Ottawa garden.
Plants for Butterflies and Bees in Ottawa
Here is a list of butterflies and flowering native plants that the David Suzuki Foundation recommend for those of us who live in Eastern Canada and want to attract pollinators to our gardens.
Butterflyways in Ottawa
Butterflies and bees are suffering from the effects of pesticides and a lack of habitat and suitable food sources as more and more land is developed and lost. But there are two significant ways you can help.