Pollinator patches

We’re working to grow native plants all across Ottawa South!  OSEAN volunteers have been saving seeds from their gardens, collecting seeds from the Ottawa Wildflower Seed Library and other gardeners, as well as starting seedlings inside and outside to help get more native plant gardens started.  We’re supplying free native plants so that local gardeners, in yards, balconies, or patios, can supply the perfect food for bees, butterflies, other pollinators and birds.

Giveaway 2024

In early May, residents of River, Gloucester-Southgate and Alta Vista Wards will be invited to sign up to receive a kit of seedlings for either a sunny or a shady garden. This year we are offering two sizes of plant kits. Please check back soon for more information.

Plant catalogue

The catalogue includes information about growing conditions, best uses, and beginner-friendly plants https://docs.google.com/document/d/1HU09lM3P_ykFzUvhBfUtldEl5R3w2KI6/edit?usp=drive_link&ouid=115215284262075058437&rtpof=true&sd=true

Butterflyway Map

We are adding local pollinator patches (with permission) to the David Suzuki Foundation Butterflyway map to help show the connectedness of native plant food sources accros Canada. The garden locations are listed by street or neighbourhood, not by address.


Yard sign

If you’d like to have a yard sign such as the one above, then you can fill out our yard sign form to show your interest, and we’ll get back to you when we’re ready to order and to confirm your request.

Monarch landing on New England Aster (Photo by Gary Bendig (kris_ricepees))

Our privately owned land and the ecosystems upon it are essential to everyone’s well-being, not just our own.

-Douglas W. Tallamy

With thanks to our supporters