Bailouts for the Oil Industry
I am writing to you regarding a possible bailout for the oil industry in Canada during this period of a health crisis.
Home Made Green Cleaners
Have you ever wanted to make your own household cleaners free from potentially toxic chemicals?
Ottawa Reduces / Ottawa Réduit
Ottawa Reduces / Ottawa Réduit is a like-minded “community-based initiative whose goal is to reduce single-use plastic and packaging in Ottawa.
Sowing the Seeds – How to Grow an Eco Club for Youth
Have you ever wanted to help little Eco flowers grow?
Christmas Trees for Goats – Volunteers needed!
It started a few years ago when I heard about a local rescue accepting Christmas trees… since then I have wanted to bring my live Christmas tree to goats.
Bold Action on Climate Change – Where are the leaders?
Canada is a geographically large country, divided into geographic segments and politically disparate populations. We need leaders to lead us all to the fossil fuel free future.
Heat Pumps
Have you considered getting a heat pump to avoid using fossil fuels to heat your house? You may want to wait.
Protect Water: Boycott Nestlé
The Council of Canadians is currently running a campaign to protect underground aquifers from excessive exploitation by large multinational companies.
Climate Change – Ottawa’s Official Plan
The City of Ottawa is in the process of developing their new Official Plan to guide land use decisions for the next 30 years.